How To Get Unbanned From Tinder? 3 Ways That Work In 2025

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

You have been banned from Tinder but you still want to use it and you want to find out how to get unbanned from Tinder?

If you don’t know the proper way how to unban Tinder in 2023, you will most likely get banned or Tinder shadowbanned again.

But don’t worry, in this Tinder article, we will explain the three ways that still can get your Tinder account unbanned if you do them in the right way.

How To Get Unbanned From Tinder?

You have no idea how to get unbanned from Tinder? The only official way to get unbanned from Tinder is to contact the Tinder Customer Support team. However, there are two other unofficial Tinder unban solutions that are more likely to get you unbanned from Tinder.

Currently, Tinder’s official website claims that they don’t offer any formal Tinder ban appeal, where you could appeal for getting your Tinder account unbanned.

But don’t worry, there are three Tinder unban workarounds that can get you back on Tinder. There are basically three ways to get unbanned from Tinder.

  1. Contact Tinder support and ask for a Tinder ban appeal
  2. Reset your Tinder account to get you unbanned
  3. Use Tinder++ app to unban Tinder (you will also get free Tinder Gold.)

Tinder ban appeal to get your account unbanned

If you think you haven’t violated their terms of service or Tinder’s community guidelines, you have two ways to contact Tinder Support to request a review of your account.

The easiest way is to drop an e-mail to Tinder by contacting them at [email protected] and if your Tinder ban was really a mistake, they might unban your Tinder account. If you are lucky, you will get your account back, and won’t lose any of your matches.

The other option is via their official support form. You can reach the contact form here, and choose “Trouble with account login” as the reason for contacting them.

Tinder Submit a request - Account Ban

In the next step, explain that you think your Tinder account has been banned and say something along these lines: “This must have been a mistake, I have never been reported, I have never violated your community guidelines, so please could they get my Tinder account unbanned?”

We also have a separate article where we show all the ways you can contact Tinder, but if you want to appeal for a banned account, try these two methods we outlined here.

If they reply and tell you that your Tinder account is banned because of policy violations, you won’t get your account back. Period. If they don’t reply in a reasonable time but you think you might have violated their policy, then don’t even hope in any kind of successful Tinder ban appeal.

Even if you were a premium Tinder subscriber, they don’t care. Tinder has plenty of premium subscribers and they are more focused to create a safe and non-offensive environment on Tinder than getting an offensive account back to the platform.

However, there are two other ways to get your Tinder account unblocked even if Tinder doesn’t want you to come back to their platform.

Reset your account to get your Tinder profile unbanned

Resetting yout Tinder account won’t get your old account back, but you still will be able to use Tinder which is still better than anything else. So using the Tinder account reset method, you will be able to get your Tinder profile unbanned.

And you will get a nice newbie boost from it for absolutely free, so for the first couple of days, you can expect a lot of new matches.

How to get unbanned from Tinder

However, resetting a Tinder account is not as easy as it used to be back in the old days.

Tinder has realized that too many people have taken advantage of this technique to boost their account naturally without paying anything for it, so they made it against their policy to use this technique.

For three months after you deleted your Tinder account or after Tinder banned you out of the account they keep all of the data they have about you, so if you start a new account in less than 3 months and they are able to connect something with your old account they will ban or shadowban you again without hesitation.

However, if you reset your Tinder account the right way, Tinder has no information that your account has been previously banned. You just have to make sure that you don’t use the same Facebook profile, phone number, phone, credit card number, etc. that has been used for that profile that Tinder deleted.

The complete Tinder reset method will help you get your Tinder account unbanned, and is explained in detail in this post. We encourage you to read it, as this is a solution that works but the implementation is not as easy as it seems to be.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on how to get unbanned from Tinder by resetting your Tinder account, check out this video:

Use Tinder ++ to unban Tinder account

If you can’t or don’t want to go through the rigorous process that is necessary for a proper, spotless way of doing a Tinder account reset, there is still a third way to get a Tinder account unbanned if your account has been banned or shadowbanned.

Tinder ++

It is way easier to do and works like a charm and you will also get a free Tinder Gold and all of its premium features for free. Although it is a method that is definitely not approved by Tinder, so you might face some risk of getting your account banned if Tinder finds out that you used this hack.

But your Tinder account is banned anyway, so you can’t lose anything with this method.

So basically, you have to download the Tinder ++ app that will allow you to use, but as it is a hacked version of Tinder, you can use it without a new account and Tinder won’t ban you, as they won’t be able to connect it with your old banned account.

As we said the other big benefit of using this method is that you will be able get free Tinder Gold as well with all of its premium features.

We have a separate article about Tinder++ where we explain how to download it to get your Tinder profile unbanned, but if you want the quick how-to guide, here is a video that will help you out:

Make sure you do not get banned from Tinder again

Whatever method you choose to do and get your Tinder account unbanned, it is important to be clear about how you can avoid getting banned from Tinder again since as you can see it is not that easy to get your Tinder account unbanned.

First off, you should know what behavior you should refrain from on Tinder. You can learn this by reading Tinder’s community guidelines.

If you get reported, make sure you do not keep doing what you have been reported for. If you have been warned once about something you can be sure that the next time you will get banned for it.

In this post, we go over the list of frequent Tinder community violations, but the most frequent ones are sending offensive messages, sending NSFW photos, automating swiping right with a third-party app, using your Tinder profile for promoting something.

Frequently Asked Questions – How To Get Unbanned From Tinder?

Here are the most frequently asked questions related to how to get unbanned from Tinder:

Can you get unbanned from Tinder?

Yes, as we show in this article, you can try to use all the three methods we have described in the tutorial to get your Tinder profile unbanned.

How to contact Tinder to get unbanned?

If you want to appeal your Tinder ban, you can drop the Tinder support team an email at [email protected] or submit the ban appeal via their official contact form.

How to get unbanned from Tinder without a phone number?

If you don’t have a second SIM card to be able to reset your Tinder account then you can try to use the Tinder++ method to get your Tinder account unbanned.

How to get unbanned from Tinder on iPhone or Android?

It doesn’t really matter whether you use an iOS device (iPhone) or an Android device when it comes to getting unbanned from Tinder. Follow the instructions above to get unblocked from Tinder, they should work, whether you are an Apple or Android fan.

How long does it take to get unbanned from Tinder?

If the Tinder support team doesn’t reply to your Tinder ban appeal in a couple of days, you should try to get unbanned using the two unofficial methods of unbanning your Tinder account.

How to email Tinder to get your Tinder account unbanned?

If you want to get your Tinder account unbanned by emailing Tinder Support team, you can appeal your Tinder ban by appealing them at [email protected] or submit the ban appeal via their official contact form.

Can you get unbanned from Tinder if you violated their terms of service or community guidelines?

If you violated Tinder’s terms of service or community guidelines, it will be difficult to get unbanned from Tinder. It’s important to avoid behavior that violates their guidelines to prevent getting banned in the first place.

Is there a fee for using Tinder++ to get unbanned from Tinder?

No, Tinder++ is a free app that you can download and use to get unbanned from Tinder. However, it is not an approved method by Tinder, so there is a risk of getting banned if they find out that you used this hack.

How can you prevent getting shadowbanned on Tinder?

To prevent getting shadowbanned on Tinder, it’s important to avoid using any third-party apps or automating swiping right. It’s also important to avoid behavior that violates their community guidelines and terms of service.

Can you get your old matches back if you reset your Tinder account?

No, if you reset your Tinder account, you won’t be able to get your old matches back. However, you will be able to use Tinder again and get new matches.

How can you avoid getting banned from Tinder again?

To avoid getting banned from Tinder again, make sure to read and follow their community guidelines and terms of service. Avoid behavior that violates these guidelines and be respectful to other users on the platform.