Tinder Like Limit vs Unlimited Likes – What You Need to Know

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

In this article, we are going over everything related to Tinder’s right swipes or as they are also called Tinder likes. We will answer one of the most frequently asked questions: how many likes do you get for free in 12 hours on Tinder?

We will also review the Unlimited Likes feature, talk briefly about Likes You premium feature and at the end also cover whether it is a good strategy to like as many profiles as you can.

What is a Tinder like?

Tinder Like Limit

Tinder like is the fundamental feature on Tinder. If you like someone, you swipe right them or as they are also referred to – like them. If they happen to like you back, you get a match and can start a conversation with them.

This was the huge innovation from Tinder that made them so popular and newer dating apps always copied this fundamental feature: both profiles have to express that they like each other before a conversation can be started.

Tinder Likes Limit

When Tinder was started up, and not many people used the app yet, you could swipe right as many times as you wanted or to be more exact, until you were not out of profiles.

However, as more people joined Tinder and people developed bots and 3rd party apps to swipe right automatically as many times as they could, Tinder had to stop this. This was dangerous to user experience as it diminished the value of a Tinder likes and matches and was also a great business opportunity for them to make money.

So in 2015, they introduced a like limit that limits the number of times a profile can like other profiles in 12 hours. With this, they also introduced a premium feature, called Unlimited Likes that still enables you to like as many profiles as you want if you pay for a Tinder subscription package.

Tinder Out of Likes

Out of Tinder Likes

With the new premium feature, it means that if you have only a standard account you get a limited amount of likes per 12 hours. If you are over this limit and don’t have a Tinder Plus or Gold subscription you get a message that you are out of likes for 12 hours:

Tinder Out Of likes

How many Tinder likes do you get for free on Tinder?

There has been no official statement from Tinder on the exact amount of right swipes you get access to it and the reason is that most likely it depends on your personal profile behavior. If you have not been smashing the right swipes in the last couple of days, you will get around 100 right swipes in 12 hours.

However, some suggest that if you are always reaching your like limit and you are a male, Tinder might limit your number of available right swipes to around 50 in 12 hours.

Tinder Unlimited Likes

You can still get rid of the Tinder likes limit, but you have to pay for it. If you have Tinder Gold or Plus subscription you can like as many profiles as you want, the only limit is the number of profiles you can see in your neighborhood.

How much does Unlimited Tinder Likes cost?

You can’t buy the Unlimited Likes feature separately, you have to buy either Gold or Plus for it.

Tinder Plus is around 9.99 USD to 19.99 USD per month whereas Tinder Gold is around 19.99-29.99 USD per month if you subscribe for 1 month. You can get a pretty big discount if you commit to a longer subscription period.

If you subscribe to either Gold or Plus subscription, you also get access to all the features available in Tinder Plus, such as 1 Boost per month, 5 free Super Likes per day, Rewind, No ads, Tinder Passport, etc. If you are a Gold Subscriber you can also have access to  Top Picks and the Likes You feature.

Is it worth paying Tinder Subscription for it?

We think Unlimited Likes is one of the features that makes it worthwhile to pay for Tinder Gold or Plus. If you are an active user you can reach the like limit in 15 minutes easily.

And don’t forget that by being a subscriber, you get all the other valuable premium features, such as 1 Boost per month, Passport, 5 Superlikes per day, no ads, etc.

Tinder Likes You feature

One of the most frequently requested features for a long time was the ability to see who liked your profile. Tinder saw this also as an opportunity to boost its revenue, so they added a new feature that lets you do this. But they added not to the standard Tinder Plus subscription but only for the more expensive subscription package, Tinder Gold.

We have a separate article where we cover this feature extensively, but the main point that it is only really useful if you don’t really like swiping and are in the top percentile in terms of physical attractiveness.

Should you like then everyone on Tinder?

Just because you have Tinder Plus or Gold and access to the Unlimited Likes feature doesn’t mean that from now on you should just like every profile you can on Tinder.

As we mentioned, Tinder doesn’t like this kind of behavior whether it is done by a bot (you can get banned for it) or simply by a desperate human. Once the algorithm detects this kind of behavior, your profile will be penalized.

You won’t see any explicit message, but your profile will be not shown to premium profiles and the number of quality profiles in your swiping deck will deteriorate. As you swipe right everyone, the algorithm will show you more profiles that are not liked by a lot of people, so they can get some matches. (To be politically correct, these people are usually not considered to be very attractive by most people.)

To sum up, even if you have access to Tinder Unlimited Likes, it is better to be picky and only like the profiles you really want to start a conversation with.

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