Top 4 Reasons Why Your Tinder Match Disappeared in 2025]

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

One of the most annoying things that can happen on Tinder is when you match with a hot girl or a good-looking guy, and then once when you check out your match list, you no longer see her or him there, because the Tinder match disappeared.

In this Tinder tutorial blog post, we are going to cover the top reasons a Tinder match can disappear.

We are also going to share some tips on how you can get your Tinder match back. Finally, at the end of the article, we are going to give some heads up when a Tinder match will NOT disappear.

Tinder Match disappeared

Tinder Match disappeared

We have collected the most frequent reasons why you can lose a match. These are:

  • a bug from Tinder is causing the issue
  • Tinder connection unmatched you
  • the profile of your match has been deleted
  • the profile of your match has been banned

Now, let’s go over all of them one by one.

Tinder Match Disappeared – It is a Tinder bug

It might be a glitch that is caused by Tinder. This would the best possible reason for you as if it is really a just bug then it is just a temporary issue and it means that you will be able to see them again once the bug is fixed.

How to know if it is a Tinder bug?

It is most likely a bug if you can’t see any of your matches as it is fairly unlikely that all of them deleted you or got banned at once. The other sign of a temporary bug, when you see a match disappearing but then they reappear shortly after.

If your experience is similar to these, then the best thing you can do that might fix the issue instantly is to log out and log back in, as Tinder official website recommends it here.

If the bug seems to persist, then maybe it is not a Tinder glitch. However, if you still think it must be a Tinder bug, then you can try to contact Tinder regarding your specific technical issue.

Tinder match unmatched you

Let’s face it, besides the bug issue, this is the most likely reason why your match disappeared. It can happen for basically three types of reasons:

  • he or she actually doesn’t find you attractive
  • she didn’t like the messages you sent to her
  • you didn’t message her fast enough

The first one you can’t really do anything with it, your match didn’t really look at your profile, just swiped right and when you matched with each other, he reconsidered and unmatched. You can’t really do anything with this, just to work on improving your Tinder profile. Starting the Tinder conversation with a great opener can also help. If you think you are a genuinely funny guy, your chance can improve even if you are not the most attractive guy in the neighborhood.

The Tinder account of your match has been deleted

Maybe she just found her one, or got fed up with too many people messaging her, and deleted her account. She might have actually liked you. You can’t really know and you shouldn’t really think about it too much. That is why the best thing to do is get someone off of Tinder as soon as you can. Get her Facebook or Instagram contact info, or her phone number so you can continue flirting outside of Tinder, where other people are not harassing her.

Your match has been banned

He could have been as he was reported too many times, he used the app not in accordance with Tinder’s Terms of Service, so they reviewed his behavior on the app and decided to ban him.

Another frequent reason that the profile was not a real profile, just a bot advertising something or a fake profile some malicious things. These are getting rarer as Tinder algorithm got quite good in detecting this kind of bot-like behavior

How to get your Tinder match back?

If it is not a bug from Tinder, that you don’t see any of your Tinder matches, unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of things to do.

Unlike on Bumble where you have the option to rematch with someone, even right away if you have a Bumble Boost subscription, on Tinder if a match disappears not because of a temporary bug but because of the issues we explained above, you don’t have any chance of getting a match back.

Tinder account reset

The only option to match with her or him again is a quite dramatic but effective one. You have to delete your account and start a new one, the process also known as Tinder reset.

Here you can see a tutorial on how to do it:

In this case, Tinder will forget all of your previous swipes and matches, so you can start it again from scratch and have the possibility to match with the disappeared match again.

Get her contact info

Tinder account reset is the only way to see her again your match list, but let’s not forget that once you matched with someone Tinder is basically just a messaging app that can be easily replaced by something else.

That is why once there is a conversation going on, ask her or his social account or phone number to continue the conversation on somewhere. If you manage to do this you don’t have to be afraid of losing a match you had something going on.

When should Tinder matches NOT disappear?

It is also good to know what does NOT cause a Tinder match to disappear. So, when you do any of the following, you don’t have to be afraid of your match disappearing.

When you do not message

In Bumble, once you match with someone, women have to send an opening message in the first 24 hours otherwise the match disappears. And when a girl sends the message then the guy has 24 hours to reply to the first message of the girl or the match disappears.

Tinder doesn’t have any rules like that so you don’t have to worry about this. A Tinder match will never disappear if none of the events happen which we described above. Even if the profiles never message each other ever. However, even if your match will not disappear, you should start the conversation as soon as you can to maximize your chances of getting a reply.

When you or your match deletes the app

There has been always some misunderstanding between deleting Tinder, the app, and deleting your Tinder account. Deleting the mobile application from your phone doesn’t mean anything, you won’t lose any of your messages. It only means that you won’t be able to use the app until you do not reinstall it to your phone.

A quick note about losing a Tinder match

Last but not least, it is important to emphasize that you shouldn’t really care that much if a Tinder match disappeared. The great thing about Tinder that there can be tens of thousands of potential profiles just in your neighborhood. Spending time thinking about a profile you can’t see anymore is just a waste of your time. Get over it.

Frequently Asked Questions

✅Do Tinder matches disappear if you delete the app?

No, deleting the Tinder app doesn’t really mean anything, you will still have all of your connections and all of your messages you have sent and you can reach them via the Tinder web browser version or when you reinstall the app on your phone.

✅Do Tinder matches disappear if you don’t message?

No, Tinder doesn’t have any rule similar to Bumble, so you don’t have to worry about your Tinder match disappearing if you can’t message a new connection right after you have matched with each other.

✅My Tinder match disappeared then reappeared. What happened?

This was most likely a Tinder bug. It might be just a temporary issue, if you keep seeing it you might have to install the most up-to-date version of the app.

✅Can you rematch with someone on Tinder?

No, Tinder doesn’t have the option to rematch with someone. You can only see a profile again if you or that profile deleted then restarted their Tinder account.