Tinder Data – What Do They Store and How to Download It?

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

How big tech companies handle your personal data and anything related to data privacy issues is a hot topic right now. Tinder and its parent company, Match.com group is no exception, you would be surprised how much data they collect and how much they know about you.

In this blog post, we are going to tell you what data Tinder stores about users, how they use this data, how you can download the data Tinder has on you. We will also cover how you can ask them to delete your data.

What personal data Tinder collects?

Tinder has a nicely written Privacy Policy that is translated to all major languages so if you are not a native speaker you can also read it in your language.

In this Privacy Policy, they share everything about what data they collect and how they use it. And they collect quite a lot of data. To highlight the most important ones:

  • general data that you provide when signing up for Tinder: age, gender, phone number, Facebook account info
  • every data you share when you create a profile, images and videos you upload to Tinder
  • bio description
  • details on your interest, hobbies, sexual orientation
  • debit and credit card info when you purchase something in the app
  • messages you have ever sent in the platform
  • usage information (when you logged in, what did you do on Tinder, etc.)
  • geolocation data

So as you can see Tinder collects and stores any kind of data you have ever shared with them.

Request a download of your Tinder data

If you want to know specifically what data they store about you, you have the opportunity to ask a copy of your personal data they have on you. To request a download, you have to do the following:

  1. Go to https://account.gotinder.com/data
  2. Login to your Tinder account
  3. Click on “Download my information”
  4. Add an email where you would like to receive the download link of your personal Tinder data

Download Tinder personaldata

Tinder says it might take a couple of days to send you an email with the download link. Once you receive the email you have 24 hours to download your data.

Here is a video about the data download process and some interesting thoughts regarding the data Tinder stores about you:

How Tinder uses my personal data?

Tinder also covers in their Privacy Policy how they use the data they have on you. There are multiple ways they use it.

Tinder data to improve the app

Of course, they are emphasizing how they use it mostly to improve the dating app recommendation algorithm so that they can show you profiles in your swiping deck that you would most likely find attractive. They also monitor user activity so they can better decide which feature they should improve on or develop new features based on user behavior.

Tinder data to eliminate spam

They also use the user behavior data to detect fake profiles, frauds and bot-like behavior on Tinder, so they can ban these profiles and eliminate spammers as soon as possible.

Tinder data to increase advertising revenue

Tinder doesn’t give much detail about their advertising in their Privacy Policy, but of course, they also use these user data to sell their ad placements to advertisers for a higher price.

Tinder is making the majority of its revenue from its premium subscriptions and features, it would be foolish not to monetize their rich and very detailed user data.

Advertisers can use all these user behavior, demographic and geolocation data to target the users with more customized offers.

Although it is not clear from the Privacy Policy which type of data Tinder provides directly to advertisers, there has been a study made by Norwegian Consumer Council that found that dating apps including Tinder are transmitting a lot of types of personal user data directly to 3d party advertisers.

Delete my personal data from Tinder

If you are worried that advertisers or Tinder knows too much about you, here are your options: the only option to stop Tinder and advertisers from having your data is to delete your Tinder account.

However, it is important to note that Tinder retains your data for 3 months after the account deletion. That is the reason it is not recommended to start a new account in less than 3 months after your previous Tinder account has been deleted as you might be shadowbanned by Tinder.

If you want to keep using Tinder, your only option to limit the data Tinder and advertisers have about you is to only share data you necessarily have to share. When you sign up for Tinder, you accept the privacy policy of the company, you don’t have any way to opt-out from Tinder collecting and storing data about your profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of data Tinder stores about its users?

Tinder collects and stores a lot of information about you: contact info, geolocation data, demographic data such as age, gender, school and work information, sexual orientation, and everything you did on the app, messages sent, swipes, pictures and videos uploaded, etc.

Can you download the data Tinder has on you?

Yes, you they have a page where you can provide your email address where they will send you all the data they store about your account.

Can you ask Tinder to delete all of your data?

No, as a lot of data is necessary to be able to use the app, you can’t request a data deletion while you are using the app. The only way to ask for them to delete your data is to delete your Tinder account in which case they will delete your data after 3 months.