How To Cancel Christian Mingle Subscription? [in 2024]

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

Christian Mingle is perhaps one of the most popular dating apps for religious Christian singles.  When you’ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you would have no choice but to cancel Christian Mingle.

How to Cancel Christian Mingle Subscription?

The first thing to do would be to click on your profile picture. Of course, you will need to go to the settings of your app. After that, you should choose ‘Stop Subscription’ as this would result in you not receiving any future Christian Mingle premium subscription billing.

It is evident they would want the reason for your cancellation. They would give you a few reasons and you can choose the one that is nearest to the real reason. After that, you can confirm that you canceled your Christian Mingle subscription and that is the end of it.

How to Cancel Christian Mingle Subscription on an iPhone?

Click on the icon that has three parallel lines. After that, you can click on ‘My Account’ in order to know more about the account that you created. The obvious thing to do would be to select ‘Remove my Profile’ in order to expedite the process.

You will be asked to answer a few questions about your experience with regard to Christian Mingle. When that happens, you can be honest with your answers as it will certainly them in the long run. As a matter of fact, you can be asked another set of questions if you answer ‘I’m Getting Married’ to the question of why you are quitting the app.

There is no harm in sharing your success story with the other people out there who are looking for true love. Besides, it would always feel good to be a true inspiration to people who have yet to give up on online dating. Once all the questions are over, you can click on ‘Confirm’ and your Christian Mingle profile is permanently deleted.

What Happens When You Cancel a Christian Mingle Subscription

When your profile is removed from Christian mingle, you won’t be able to access any of the information that you put there. As a result, you won’t be able to access your matches and your messages. If you’ve garnered tons of matches on the dating app, you should think twice about canceling your subscription or not.

There is always the option to make a brand new Christian Mingle account but all the things you did in the past would be deleted once you cancel your Christian Mingle subscription. After all, there is always the option to just lay off of the website for a bit if you get tired of it. If there is the itch of going back to it, then you can do that.

Can’t Cancel a Christian Mingle Subscription

The main culprit is not being able to cancel your Christian Mingle subscription is when there is something wrong with the Internet connection. When that happens, the next thing you must do is to look at your router if that is where your portable device is connected. If all the lights are flashing the green colour then it is possible the problem is with Christian Mingle.

If you are having problems with the WiFi connection then you can always switch to the 4G of your phone. If the problem is with the server of Christian Mingle then you would have no choice but to wait for them to sort it out. Don’t worry though as there is always a way to let them know about it and there is a chance that other users in your area are having the same problem so they are most likely already working on it.

Other Information Related to Cancelling a Christian Mingle Subscription

After unsubscribing from your paid subscription to Christian Mingle, you must remove all the credit card numbers that you put there. It is a good thing there are a few apps that you can download in order to sort that out. After all, the last thing you would want to happen is for your credit card number to go to a third party who has cruel intentions.