How Much Does Hinge Membership Cost? [in 2022]

Written by: John Branson
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Being able to meet someone if you spend a certain amount of money is the kind of assurance everyone who is spending money on an online dating app needs to hear. This is the kind of assurance that Hinge promises. How much does it cost to meet your special someone on Hinge?

How much does Hinge membership cost?

Hinge claims that you do not have to stay too long in the app since they can hook you up with the person of your dreams. This is the cost of finding the person of your dreams.

  • Premium for 1 month – $29.99
  • Premium for 3 months – $19.99/ month
  • Premium for 6 months – $14.99/month

When choosing your Hinge premium membership, you have to take note that if you choose the 3 months or 6 months premium, you will be billed in bulk. This means that you will be receiving charges on a quarterly or bi-annual basis. If you do not want to pay for the premium membership, there are other ways to boost your likes.

You can buy roses and send one to the person you like. So if you are using a free subscription, you run out of likes but you see someone special, buy a rose and send them one. Here is the price range you can choose from.

  • One Rose – $3.99
  • Three Roses – $9.99
  • Six Roses – $19.99
  • One Dozen – $29.88
  • 50 Roses – $124.50

There are several payment options you can choose from.

  • Google Play
  • iTunes
  • Credit and Debit Cards
  • Gift Cards
  • PayPal

Hinge free membership explained

If you are not willing to pay for extra features, you can still enjoy Hinge. There are features you can use despite not being able to pay for premium membership. Although some of these features are limited, it is still worth a shot to find that forever you are looking for.

You can download Hinge, from Apple App Store or Google Play, without having to pay any amount of money. When you are creating an account with Hinge, you do not have to provide any credit or debit card information. Creating a comprehensive profile will also not require you to go premium.

The first downside of using the free features on Hinge is how you interact daily. Sending likes would be limited to 8 likes a day. If you are good at choosing people, those 8 like matter and it might be the reason for you to meet that person of your dreams. You can still browse profiles after 8 likes but there would be no more interaction.

To be able to like for 8 times when you have a free subscription, you need to have a complete profile. To have a complete profile you need to have 6 photos. If your profile is not completed, then you will not be able to like any profile. The restrictions are in place to ensure that every member has a complete profile so they would have more transparent information.

Hinge membership extra features

The amount you pay for the extra membership sure has its perks. Aside from being able to like for unlimited times per day, it boosts the visibility of your profile as well. You will see all the people who liked your profile before you match with them. This will save you a lot of time and energy.

You will also be able to have more filters in your profile like the political stance, vices, and all other information that will matter to you. This will narrow down your matches and you would not be wasting time on people that you think will not be a match for you.

You also get a free rose every Sunday. This rose could be sent to someone you like more than the others. Roses can be bought and gifted to gain more attention.

If there is a mutual understanding between the two of you, you can call each other. There is no need for a third-party app to do this. If you are a paid subscriber of the app, you can use the in-app phone and video calls.

One thing Hinge boasts about is its Nobel-Prize winning algorithm that can give you an excellent match. If you can still not find your match despite the algorithm, you can attract more attention by posting unique content. This could be done daily.

Why is Hinge so expensive?

Being serious about finding romance can cost money. Even going out on a date with someone will cost you some amount of money. The extra features of the app like being able to boost your visibility and being able to see the partner of a lifetime.

The roses and boosts that you will use in order to make sure that you have an added visibility sure cost money and this is an assurance that you will have a better match. In a world of 7 billion people, finding the one that you want to be with is really expensive.

Sure there are a lot of dating sites out there and paying premium is an investment. Some investments can be more expensive but the interest can be high and worth it too.