How To Cancel a Plenty of Fish Subscription? [in 2025]

Written by: John Branson
Last Updated:

Most users of Plenty of Fish enjoy their paid subscription, but you may decide to cancel your subscription or membership to Plenty of Fish. The cancellation process is quick and easy. This brief guide will explain just how to cancel a Plenty of Fish subscription in a few simple steps.

How to cancel a Plenty of Fish subscription?

You can easily cancel any upcoming renewal of your subscription by using the Plenty of Fish Website. To do this, visit

Cancelling a Plenty of Fish subscription could not be more simple. It just takes a few simple steps.

  • If using a phone, locate your ‘Account’ page in the left menu bar.
  • If using Desktop Web, locate the ‘Premium’ page in the menu at the top of the screen.

If your subscription is still planned to renew, you will be able to see ‘we will continue your subscription’.

If you click on the icon reading: ‘Click here to let your upgrade expire’ you should see the words ‘we will NOT continue your subscription’.

How to cancel a Plenty of Fish subscription of an iPhone or Android phone?

It may be that you purchased your Plenty of Fish subscription using the app. If you did, the cancellation process is just slightly different. The process will vary depending on the platform you used to subscribe.

If you used an iPhone to purchase your Plenty of Fish subscription and would like to cancel your subscription, you need to do this by firstly opening your iPhone settings. Then do the following three actions:

  1. Tap your name, then tap ‘Subscriptions’.
  2. Choose the subscription you would like to cancel.
  3. Select ‘Cancel Subscription’.

On the other hand, if you used an Android phone to purchase your Plenty of Fish subscription and would like to cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription, you need to do this via your Google Play account on your phone.

After opening the Google Play Store account on your Android device, complete the following three actions:

  1. Tap the Menu icon, then tap ‘Subscriptions’.
  2. Choose the subscription you would like to cancel.
  3. Select ‘Cancel Subscription’.

If you are unsure how you purchased your Plenty of Fish subscription, simply log into your account on and select Premium/Account. By doing this, it is easy to work out what third-party you used for your subscription purchase.

What happens when you cancel a Plenty of Fish subscription?

Hopefully, you have already found the simple instructions above easy to follow, and have successfully cancelled your Plenty of Fish subscription.

When you have successfully cancelled your Plenty of Fish subscription, you will still be able to make full use of your subscription for the remaining days you have paid for.

It is important to note that cancelling a subscription does not retroactively refund your subscription payments. Subscription fees you have already paid for cannot be prorated based on your cancellation date.

Remember, deleting the Plenty of Fish app from your iPhone or Android device will not cancel your subscription. To cancel your subscription you should simply follow the steps outlined in this article to prevent any payments from incurring.

Can’t cancel a Plenty of Fish subscription?

Hopefully, you have found the step-by-step instructions in this article easy to follow and have successfully cancelled your Plenty of Fish subscription if you wish to. However, you may still be struggling to cancel your Plenty of Fish subscription.

Some Plenty of Fish users have reported difficulties in cancelling their subscriptions. The main issue relating to cancellation seems to be that some users are charged even after cancellation. This problem can be easily solved.

Remember to turn off the auto-renewal feature before the due renewal date. This will avoid a charge incurring. Any action you would like to take regarding cancellation should occur before the renewal date if you would like to avoid such a charge.

If you are still struggling to cancel your Plenty of Fish subscription and require assistance, you can get in touch with Plenty of Fish directly by contacting customer support.

Take care to cancel your Plenty of Fish subscription using the correct, easy-to-follow steps described in this article. The procedure will be different if you purchased your membership via the website, an iPhone app or an Android app. Any problems you may be experiencing with cancellation can be easily solved.